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Your Ex-Sheriff, Ronald Beckham, has been deeply involved in a criminal conspiracy with John Stone, Henry Nieto and other government officials to enrich themselves and their cronies, while trampling upon the Rights of the People.  I have been INSIDE their jails and their courts and have accused them of fraud and felony criminal actions.  Their ONLY defense is "Immunity"  How would YOU, the People like to have "immunity" for any criminal action You may commit?

I accuse you All of Fraud

See Federal Civil Rights Cases

#97N1501 Inc.

#97D1036 Inc.

#95B1747 Inc. - Brief

And communication to Public Officials

Roy Romer
Don Estep
Henry Nieto
U.S. Attorney
Greenwood Village Police Department
Internal Affairs, Golden Police
Jefferson County District Attorney
City of Golden

As of Today's Date -- NONE of these Public Officials have replied, except to send the S.W.A.T. Team anywhere U S West, Inc. taps a line they think belongs to me.

(Which, by the way, is a matter of record in Inc. Case #97D1036)


www.sheriffsteve.homepage.com   EMail: sheriffsteve@usa.net

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