F a x S e r v i c e
To: Chief of Police Russell Cook From: Steve Douglas, Gartin
Fax: Relay: 739-9824 Pages:
Phone: Message: 364-0403 Date:
October 11th, 1996
Re: Verified Affidavit of Criminal charges CC: U.S. Attorney / Jeffco D.A.
Urgent Plaintiff charges unequal application of the law and demands equal protection
l Comments:
This Document is Plaintiff’s Verified Affidavit of Criminal Charges. This notice is filed VIA FAX, pursuant to and in compliance with, Colorado law. This filing constitutes the Fifth filing of criminal charges in this case.
Private Security Agreements to insure that Public Servants will uphold the Constitutions and inviolate rights of this Citizen are included for your signature. Your responsibility to protect and defend my rights and to report all official misconduct is assumed by your Oath of Office. It is my sincere prayer that you will indeed accept your sworn duty to protect the inviolate rights of the Citizens and sign the following Security agreement.
Testimony under oath and affidavits filed in Golden Municipal case # 55239 prove beyond any shadow of doubt that Party Injured, Steve Douglas, Gartin was followed into his place of employment by Tamara Ann Zehnder, Alias TAMARA GARTIN, and her hired accomplice, Markus Bernard Merritt, a.k.a. Michael Thomas (known to the Police as a "habitual offender") with the expressed intent, in conspiracy, to unlawfully convert the custody of my minor offspring April Rose, Gartin & Elijah Rock, Gartin into the hands of Markus Merritt, a known perpetrator of Domestic Violence with active Arrest Warrants for the heinous purpose of sexual abuse.
The fact that these crimes were committed by use of unlawful force and intimidation by the Golden Police Department is a matter of record. The testimony of the accused parties proves that Markus Bernard Merritt did knowingly and with intent enter the premises of Steve Douglas, Gartin a Colorado Citizen in conspiracy with Tamara Ann Zehnder, alias TAMARA GARTIN with the expressed purpose of harassment, molestation, slander, libel and fraud. Further discovery will prove beyond any shadow of doubt that these actions were taken by the Defendants in direct malice and unlawful retaliation for my lawful reporting of child abuse to my Son Elijah Rock, Gartin by the Defendant, Markus Bernard Merritt to the proper authority in Lakewood, Colorado.
I, Steve Douglas, Gartin, the Party Injured inform the legal system of Golden Colorado that I wish to press the following charges against Tamara Zehnder and Markus Merritt in their proper names and in all fictional persons or parties. Civil charges will also be filed.
1. False Reporting to the Police - proven in trial
2. Assault - admitted by Merritt in transcript and in trial
1. Harassment - followed Complainant into his place of employment and assaulted him
2. Kidnapping by force of arms
3. Slander - proven by Golden Community Center employees firsthand witness
4. Criminal Libel - supported by official record
5. Conspiracy to criminally violate C.R.S. 14-10-129.5
6. Conspiracy to commit unlawful arrest and incarceration
For the convenience of investigation, I have included a brief history of Markus Bernard Merritt, alias "Michael Thomas." Your N.C.I.C. record will provide additional information about Mr. Merritt’s criminal activity in Texas and elsewhere.
Markus Bernard Merritt
Black Male DOB 1-16-63
6’2" 220 Black Hair/Brown Eyes
SSN: 524-15-1300 DL #: F683885
FBI #: 506910CA9 SID: CO370994
Local Arrest #: A4155
Home of Record: c/o Bernard Merritt
1738 Granby Court
Aurora, Colorado 360-9225
Colorado Arrest Record:
1987: FTA - Possession 88C3916
Probation: 88-89 & 89-90 92-93 current
92C4313: Wife’s Restraining Order
1993: Aurora NVOL - NPOI -
#95-9040 Greenwood Village
95F1665: Habitual Offender
Warrant issued 4-16-96 FTA
95T3795 A-3 DUS
Steve Douglas, Gartin, in his True Name and as the Proper Party Injured, avails himself of all the provisions of the laws and statutes of the state of Colorado and of the united States of America, which have been made and provided for relief and restoration of tortious actions by Defendants, and them all, and for cause, and other such statutes, made and provided, in protection of the unalienable rights of the Citizens.
I claim all Rights and Privileges under the Constitutions of the state of Colorado and the united States of America and at no time waive any right or privilege of my free will.
Dated this 11th day of October 1996.
PO Box 114 Message Phone: 364-0403
Golden, Colorado Zip Exempt Message FAX:
Please Reply by
This Citizen is temporarily indigent and
homeless and has no access to phone or U.S. Mail.