Trial by Combat
Christ county Compact Be it Known and Remembered by All to Whom these Presents shall come, that: I, the Undersigned, having sworn allegiance to My Lord and King Jesus, the Christ, Son of the One True God, and forsaken all other kings, do hereby give Notice of My Oath, and do hereby Join with the People of Christ county, kingdom of God, and affirm the following Compact, to wit: We, the Peculiar People of Christ county, kingdom of God, Servants Dedicated to the House of Our Sovereign Lord and King, Jesus, the Christ, the First and the Last, and in the Presence of YWYH, Who Bears Witness with Us meeting in Lawful popular Assembly by the Authority and Power of Our King, that We may Glorify and Honor Our Heavenly Father, Who created Us through His Son, Jesus, the Christ, and Obey the Will of Our King, Seek His Kingdom and Righteousness, Preserve His ecclesia, and Advance His Faith, Blessings, and Providence, in Order to Secure the Lives, Liberties, and Properties given to Us by Our King; do solemnly and mutually make This Oath to covenant and combine Ourselves together into the Ecclesia known as Christ county, kingdom of God, and located in west central Michigan; and by the Inspiration of Our King, do solemnly give Notice to Christ's Church and all the world, that Our Positive Law is the Holy Scriptures as written in their Original Tongues and translated into the Books of The Ferrar Fenton Bible, Anno Domini,nineteen hundred and six, which is the Living Word of God, and the Law of Our Hearts, Land, Banner, and courts; that said Holy Scriptures are made a part hereof as though fully presented herein, unto which We promise all due submission and obedience, and by which We shall administer Christendom to Further the Righteous Ends aforesaid; and do extend the same to God's People of like Mind and Heart, throughout the earth; For ever and ever. In the Name of Jesus, the Christ. Amen. In Witness whereof, and to Duly Authorize This Compact, I have hereunto below written My Christian Appellation, and sealed the Same, on the _________________ day of the _________________ month, in the year of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, nineteen hundred and ninety-________________. By the Grace of Jesus, the Christ, I have the Honor of being a Christian, L.S. __________________ On this _________________ day of the _________________ month in the year of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, nineteen-hundred ninety-_________________, We, the Undersigned Christian Men, having ascertained that Our Brother / Sister ___________________________________ has read and Knows the contents of this Oath, did witness his / her execution and sealing of the Same, and do hereby testify to the foregoing, by voluntarily setting Our Hand and Sealing Same. We have the honor of being Christian Men. L.S. _______________ _______________ | EMail: The Luck of the Draw: Click away . . . take your chances! |