Law Copyright
of Expatriation by the Sovereign
Steve Douglas, Gartin
Colorado {a foreign country from the District of Columbia} )
) ss. People in Colorado TO:
Jefferson county {comitatus} )
Office of the secretary of state, Gail Norton, sec. )
Law Affidavit
by Steve Douglas, Gartin
In the name and by the authority of the People in Colorado, this freeman character, Steve Douglas, Gartin being jus soli, jus sanguinis, jure coronæ, sui juris character hereby attests under Common Law copyright his special character of freeman, owing no allegiance to the "res" in trust of the municipal corporation a/k/a United States, by acts of congress "within" the United States, but on the contrary, I, Steve Douglas, Gartin, freeman character have secured, protected, defended, and guaranteed natural Law unalienable Right of Inheritance from Almighty God, through our Redeemer, Jesus the Messiah, the creator by the Alpha and the Omega in Holy Scriptures as in Genesis and Revelations, under our natural law, and by our unalienable Birthright, being of the white race of People of the Posterity a/k/a Israel, and by this Lawful Precept have made known publicly to all People of the Posterity in this country of Colorado, and for our Courts of Justice record in this original, extraordinary, extra-judicial writ of proclamation, this freeman character Steve Douglas, Gartin hereby copyrights by our supremacy Common Law his corporal hereditaments, his corporeal hereditaments and his hereditary succession by Right of Inheritance from Almighty God, nunc pro tunc to the 20th day of the Third Month, in the year of our Almighty God, through our Redeemer, Jesus the Messiah, Nineteen Hundred and Forty Nine, A.D..
The statements in this Common Law affidavit by the freeman character Steve
Douglas, Gartin under our sole and exclusive Right of self-governing as a free
sovereign and independent State are true, correct, and relevant to the best of
my knowledge and belief; and, "But before all, my brethren, do not
swear, neither by the heavens, nor by the earth, nor any other kind of oath:
but let your yes be yes; and your no, no; so that you may not fall under a
sentence." JAMES 5 : 12 HOLY SCRIPTURES
With special, express and explicit
reservation of all God-given unalienable Rights,
Waiving none ever in this country of
Colorado, in America.
teste meipso this _____ day of ______________ , in the year of our Almighty God,
through our Redeemer, Jesus the Messiah, Nineteen Hundred Ninety Four, A.D.
Steve Douglas, Gartin,jus soli, jus sanguinis, jure coronæ, sui juris,
freeman character in Law - - - in care of:
Jurat in Law: _____________________________________________________
Jurat in Law: _____________________________________________________
Jurat in Law: _____________________________________________________
teste this ____ day of __________ , Nineteen Hundred Ninety Four, A.D.