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Constructive Notice on the History

By: Timothy Pierce

There is some education needed on the different types of systems of law and the forms of government that are now in existence or have been used in the past. The different types of systems of law are: Common law, Canon law, Ecclesiastical law, and Roman Civil (private) law. The different forms of government are: Anarchy, Aristocracy, Communism, Democracy, Despotism, Fundamentalism, Monarchy, Oligarchy, and Republic. The ones we are concerned with are Despotism, Republic, and Democracy.

Forms of Government.

Definitions are from Black’s law dictionary, 6th edition.

Democracy. That form of government in which the sovereign power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or indirectly through a system of representation, as distinguished from a monarchy, aristocracy, or oligarchy

Despotism. That abuse of government where the sovereign power is not divided, but united and unlimited in the hands of a single man, whatever may be his official title. It is not, properly, a form of government.

"Despotism" is not exactly synonymous with "autocracy," for the former involves the idea of tyranny or abuse of power, which is not necessarily implied by the latter. Every despotism is autocratic; but an autocracy is not necessarily despotic.

Republic. A commonwealth; that form of government in which the administration of affairs is open to all the citizens. In another sense, it signifies the state, independently of its form of government.

Republican government. A government in the republican form; a government of the people; a government by representatives chosen by the people.

Systems of law.

Definitions are from Black’s law dictionary, 6th edition.

Canon law. A body of Roman ecclesiastical jurisprudence compiled in the twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth centuries from the opinions of the ancient Latin fathers, the decrees of General Councils, and the decretal epistles and bulls of the Holy See. The canon law is contained in two principal parts,-the decrees or ecclesiastical constitutions made by the popes and cardinals; and the decretals or canonical epistles written by the pope, or by the pope and cardinals, at the suit of one or more persons. As the decrees set out the origin of the canon law, and the rights, dignities, and decrees of ecclesiastical persons, with their manner of election, ordination, etc., so decretals contain the law to be used in the ecclesiastical courts. The canon law forms no part of the law of England, unless it has been brought into use and acted on there.

Common law. As distinguished from statutory law created by the enactment of legislatures, the common law comprises the body of those principles and rules of action, relating to the government and security of persons and property, which derive their authority solely from usages and customs of immemorial antiquity, or from judgments and decrees of the courts recognizing, affirming, and enforcing such usages and customs; and, in this sense, particularly the ancient unwritten law of England. In general, it is a body of law that develops and derives through judicial decisions, as distinguished from legislative enactments. The "common law" is all the statutory and case law background of England and the American colonies before the American revolution. It consists of those principles, usage and rules of actions applicable to government and security of persons and property which do not rest for their authority upon any express and positive declaration on the will of the legislature.

As distinguished from ecclesiastical law, it is the system of jurisprudence administered by the purely secular tribunals.

In a broad sense, "common law" may designate all that part of the positive law, juristic theory, and ancient custom of any state or nation which is of general and universal application, thus marking off special or local rules or customs.

As a compound adjective "common-law" is understood as contrasted with or opposed to "statutory," and sometimes also to "equitable" or to "criminal."

Secular. Not spiritual; not ecclesiastical; relating to affairs of the present (temporal) world.

Ecclesiastical law. The body of jurisprudence administered by the ecclesiastical courts of England; derived, in large measure, from the canon and civil law. As now restricted, it applies mainly to the affairs, and the doctrine, discipline, and worship, of the established church.

Roman (Civil) law. In a general sense, comprehends all the laws which prevailed among the Romans, without regard to the time of their origin, including the collections of Justinian. In a more restricted sense, the Germans understand by this term merely the law of Justinian, as adopted by them.

In England and America, it appears to be customary to use the phrase, indifferently with "the civil law," to designate the whole system of Roman jurisprudence, including the Corpus Juris Civilis; or, if any distinction is drawn, the expression "civil law" denotes the system of jurisprudence obtaining in those countries of continental Europe which have derived their juridical notions and principles from the Justinian collection, while "Roman law" is reserved as the proper appellation of the body of law developed under the government of Rome from earliest times to the fall of the empire. See Civil law.

Civil law. That body of law which every particular nation, commonwealth, or city has established peculiarly for itself; more properly called "municipal" law, to distinguish it from the "law of nature," and from international law. Laws concerned with civil or private rights and remedies, as contrasted with criminal laws.

The system of jurisprudence held and administered in the Roman empire, particularly as set forth in the compilation of Justinian and his successors,-comprising the Institutes, Code, Digest, and Novels, and collectively denominated the "Corpus Juris Civilis,"-as distinguished from the common law of England and the canon law. The civil law (Civil Code) is followed in Louisiana. See Code Civil.

Code Civil. The code which embodies the civil law of France. It was promulgated in 1804. When Napoleon became emperor, the name was changed to "Code Napoleon," by which it is still often designated though it is now officially styled by its original name of "Code Civil." A great part of the Louisiana Civil Code is derived from the Code Napoleon.

Noteworthy definitions.

Definitions are from Bouvier’s law dictionary, 3rd edition.

Inalienable. This word is applied to those things, the property of which cannot be lawfully transferred from one person to another. Public highways and rivers are of this kind; there are also many rights which are inalienable, as the rights of liberty, or of speech.

Judge. 1.--A public officer, lawfully appointed to decide litigated questions according to law. This, in its most extensive sense, includes all officers who are appointed to decide such questions, and not only judges properly so called, but also justices of the peace, and jurors, who are judges of the facts in issue. In a more limited sense, the term judge signifies an officer who is so named in his commission, and who presided in some court.

2.--Judges are appointed or elected, in a variety of ways, in the United States; they are appointed by the President, by and with the consent of the senate; in some of the states they are appointed by the governor, the governor and senate, or by the legislature. In the United States, and some of the states, they hold their offices during good behavior; in others, as in New York, during good behavior, or until they shall attain a certain age; and in others for a limited term of years.

3.--Impartiality is the first duty of a judge; before he gives an opinion, or sits in judgment in a cause, he ought to be certain he has no bias for or against either of the parties; and if he has any (the slightest) interest in the cause, he is disqualified from sitting as judge; aliquis non debet esse judex in propria causa; and when he is aware of such interest, he ought himself to refuse to sit on the case. It seems it is discretionary with him whether he will sit in a cause in which he has been of counsel, but the delicacy which characterized the judges in this country, generally, forbids their sitting in such a cause.

4.--He must not be impartial, but he must pay a blind obedience to the law, whether good or bad. He is bound to declare what the law is, and not to make it; he is not an arbitrator, but an interpreter of the law. It is his duty to be patient in the investigation of the case, learned in considering it, and firm in his judgment. He ought, according to Cicero, "never to lose sight that he is a man, and that he cannot exceed the power given to him by his commission; that not only power, but public confidence has been given to him; that he ought always seriously to attend not to his wishes but to the requisitions of law, of justice and religion."

5.--While acting within the bounds of his jurisdiction, the judge is not responsible for any error in judgment, nor mistake he may commit as a judge, when he acts corruptly, he may be impeached. Courts, I, where will be found an abstract of various decisions relating to the appointment and powers of judges in different states. Vide Equality; Incompetency.

Justices of the peace. 1.--Are public officers invested with judicial powers for the purpose of preventing breaches of the peace, and bringing to punishment those who have violated the law.

2.--These officers, under the constitution of the United States and some of the states, are appointed by the executive; in others they are elected by the people, and commissioned by the executive. In some states they hold their office during good behavior, in others for a limited period.

3.--At common law justices of the peace have a double power in relation to the arrest if wrong-doers; when a felony or breach of the peace has been committed on their presence, they may personally arrest the offender, or command others to do so; and in order to prevent the riotous consequences of a tumultuous assembly, they may command to arrest affrayers, when the affray has been committed in their presence. When the magistrate is not present when a crime is committed, before he can take a step to arrest the offender, an oath or affirmation must be made before him by some person cognizant of the fact, that the offense has been committed, and that the person charged is the offender, or there is probable cause to believe that he has committed the offense.

4.--The constitution of the United States directs, that "no warrant shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation."--Amendment IV. After his arrest, the person charged is brought before the justice of the peace, and after hearing he is discharged, held to bail to answer to the complaint, or, for want of bail, committed in prison.

5.--In some, perhaps all the United States, justices of the peace have jurisdiction in civil cases, given to them by local regulations.

Magistrate. 1.--Is a public civil officer invested with some part of the legislative, executive or judicial power given by the constitution. In a narrower sense this term includes only inferior judicial officers, as justices of the peace.

2.--The president of the United States is the chief magistrate of this nation; the governors are the chief magistrates of their respective states.

3.--It is the duty of all magistrates to exercise the power vested in them for the good of the people, according to law, and with zeal and fidelity. A neglect on the part of a magistrate to exercise the functions of his office when required by law, is a misdemeanor.

Person. 1.--This word is applied to men, women, and children, who are called natural persons.

2.--It is also used to denote a corporation, which is an artificial person.

3.--But when the word "persons" is spoken of in legislative acts, natural persons will be intended, unless something appear in context to show that it applies so artificial persons.

4.--Natural persons are divided into males, or men; and females, or women. Men are capable of all kinds of engagements and functions, unless by reasons applying to particular individuals. Women cannot be appointed to any public office, nor perform any civil functions, except those which the law specifically declares them capable of exercising.

5.--They are also sometimes divided into free persons and slaves. Freemen are those who have preserved their natural liberty, that is to say, who have the right of doing what is not forbidden by the law. A slave is one who is in the power of a master to whom he belongs. Slaves are sometimes ranked not with persons but things. But sometimes they are considered as persons, for example, a negro is in contemplation of a law a person, so as to be capable of committing a riot in conjunction with white men.

6.--Persons are also divided into citizens, and aliens, when viewed with regard to their political rights. When they are considered in relation to their civil rights, they are living or civilly dead. Vide Civil Death; outlaws; and infamous persons.

7.--Persons are divided into legitimates or bastards, when examined as to their rights by birth.

8.--When viewed in their domestic relations, they are divided into parents and children; husbands and wives; guardians and wards; and masters and servants.

9.--For the derivation of the word person, as it is understood in law, see 1 Toull. n. 168.

Police. 1.--That species of superintendence by magistrates which has principally for its object to maintain public tranquillity among the citizens. The officers who are appointed for this purpose are also called the police.

2.--The word police has three significations, namely; 1. The first relates to the measures which are adopted to keep order, the laws and ordinances on cleanliness, health, the markets, &c. 2. The second has for its object to procure to the authorities the means of detecting even the smallest attempt to commit crime, in order that the guilty may be arrested before their plans are carried into execution, and delivered over to the justice of the county. 3. The third comprehends the laws, ordinances and other measures which require the citizens to exercise their rights in a particular form.

3.--Police has also been divided into administrative police which has for its object to maintain constantly public order in every part of the general administration; and into judiciary police, which is intended principally to prevent crimes by punishing the criminals. Its object is to punish crimes which the administrative police has not been able to prevent.

Propria persona. 1.--In his own person. It is a rule in pleading that pleas to the jurisdiction of the court must be pleaded in propria persona, because of pleaded by attorney they admit the jurisdiction, as an attorney is an officer of the court, and he is presumed to plead after having obtained leave, which admits the jurisdiction. Lawes on Pl. 91.

2.--An appearance may be in propria persona, and need not be by attorney.

Unalienable. The state of a thing or right which cannot be sold.

2.--Things which are not in commerce, as public roads, are in their nature unalienable. Some things are unalienable in consequence of particular provisions in the law forbidding their sale or transfer, as pensions granted by the government. The natural rights of life and liberty are unalienable.

What has happened and what is happening to the depravation of the peoples’ unalienable or natural rights (not Civil Rights) in the United States of America? It is necessary to go back to approximately 500 B.C. with the creation and laws of the Roman empire. What does the Roman Empire have to do with the United States of America? These questions shall be answered and will show the cause of the problems in America today.

There have been two major systems of law for the past twenty-five hundred years. The Roman Civil law and the Common law from England. The systems operate totally separate and independent of each other. But where common law lacked in certain areas was made up by looking into the Roman Civil law.

Approximately 500 B.C. Emperor Thedoseus created the Thedosian codes within which were used to rule his kingdom under the Roman empire. These codes were known as Roman Civil (private) law. These codes were used throughout Western Europe and are still used today. Remember the word code(s). Under Roman Civil law, the emperor or people in office dictated to the subordinates (the people) what the law was and what rights they had. These rights were known as Civil rights. At the beginning, when the people all had civil rights (i.e. owning tax free property, liberty, fruits of their labor, privacy) everything was great. As time went by, the definitions of words were changed to suit the government’s needs. All of the people were slowly being declared to be involved in commerce and were therefore lied to, deceived, threatened, and tricked into becoming law merchants. This was an easy way for the government to create a taxable entity and collect revenue. As time went by, the people lost more and more of their rights until all of the people had been lied to, deceived, threatened, and tricked into the character of law merchants and they owed their existence to the government. Near the fall of the Roman empire the government was passing 2000 laws a year dictating to the people what they were and were not going to do. Needless to say, the people didn’t stand for it and the Roman empire fell. It took approximately 2000 years for the Roman empire to fall. Not all of the empire fell, the economic side of the empire renamed itself the Roman Catholic Church.

Germany is basically under the same system that Thedosius created. What does Germany have to do with the problem? Germany is under codes in which the state is a democracy and ruled under these codes. In this democracy, the legislative branch writes the laws. The judicial branch upholds the laws. And the executive branch enforces the laws. All rights are dictated to the people by the legislative branch. The people use an electoral college to elect their representatives. This description of Germany’s system of law is almost the same as the one used in the United States of America today.

Our system is set up much like that of Germany. As you can see by watching TV, they say that we live in a Democracy. Our founding fathers knew about the different forms of government, of the good and of the evil of each form of government. And as such they set up the United States of America as a republic form of government with a presbytery type of representation thus constituting a democratic commonwealth, not a democracy. A democracy is nothing more and nothing less than mob rule and is real close to a despotic form of government.

On of February 6, 1861, a majority of the representatives of the southern states walked out of congress without setting a date to reconvene. They walked out because of people in the government of the United States of America were trying to usurp the constitution of the United States of America and dictate to the sovereign states, their state laws on slavery, banking, etc.. As of February 6, 1861 there hasn’t been as is now, no lawful government in any of the alleged fifty states and in Washington D.C., and no lawful government has been put back in place. There is only an unlawful but declared to be legal, arbitrary, and capricious provisional government which was created and erected by alleged President, Abraham Lincoln who started all of this by his first executive order of calling up troops and attacking the southern states which he had no authority from the constitution to do. At some point in time, the provisional government created the United States Codes (Roman Civil (private) law) to rule their conquered territory.

Under these codes, the president is the king through executive order and we the people are his subjects, property and chattel through the use of improper english grammar. As you can see by the word "codes," (United States Codes, Uniform Commercial Codes) and referring back to the Thedosian codes, our country is currently operating under Roman Civil law and has been since February 6, 1861. The only system of law authorized by the people is that of the constitution(s) and under the rules of the common law as shown in Amendment VII of the de jure constitution of the United States. Our alleged government is operating under Roman Civil (private) law without full disclosure and without full knowledge of this fact to the people. The government is operating without the full consent, and without the full authority of the people. Any legislation passed after the date of February 6, 1861 is pretended legislation and is "color of law" and therefore lawfully does not exist The government in Washington D.C., is operating under Roman Civil Law (United States Codes) within the jurisdiction of either/or admiralty or maritime or some foreign jurisdiction. Our alleged and treasonous representatives have installed an arbitrary and capricious provisional government with provisional courts operating in a police state as shown by the flags standing within the bar and the use of improper English grammar.

As for the police, by the definition stated above, their job is only in the regulation of and enforcement of commerce laws, to serve and protect the people from persons who are willfully and intentionally injuring a person or damaging a persons property which is in the act of committing a crime, and to guide the people in their exercise of their natural rights.

All flags are military in origin. These flags are in accordance with and comply with Army regulations 840-10, specifically chapters 2-1, 2-3, 3, and 8-2. These courts are military tribunals operating under the authority of the commander and chief, the president. The sheriff and police are part of a conquering army as shown by the gold fringed American flags that most of them wear on their uniforms! This is also shown by the rank system that the police use, i.e. corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain. When a police officer takes you into court and into the bar, he has committed an act of treason for the subjugation of a jurisdiction foreign to the state constitution, unacknowledged by state laws and has therefore given his assent to acts of pretended legislation! The only jurisdictions authorized within any of the states under civil authority is either: in law, or in equity. Both of these jurisdictions are under the rules of the common law and not under Roman Civil (private) law or rules of civil procedure. All alleged public servants have committed treason for the subjugation of the jurisdiction of in admiralty or in maritime or a foreign jurisdiction, for the subjugation of Roman Civil (private) law, and for the upholding of a democracy in direct violation of state constitutions and the constitution of the United States of America! This system of law nor the jurisdiction that the government is operating in, has ever been authorized by the people or the constitutions of any of the states, or upon the soil of the United States of America.

Abraham Lincoln is an alleged president because he was a mulatto according to the proof that Eustace Mullins has in a book that he wrote. The only people that could lawfully hold office were free white males who were also citizens of the United States. This is before the XIV amendment citizen.

Now, some words on the creation of statutes. Contrary to political correctness, or public policy, public policy is not and neither is statutory law, the law, nor is everyone subject to statutory law, or within the authority of statutory law. Statutory law is for the regulation of commerce within the state or the judgment of a crime that has been committed where a person did willfully and with intent damage property or commit an injury upon another person or a custom or usage for the people and enacted into a statute. Otherwise common law is the law of the land within the limits of the state of Missouri, Missouri statute 1.010 Common law is in force, and within the limits of the United States of America, Amendment VII of the constitution of the United States of America. Most states have for their first statute that common law is in force. If your state doesn’t, then your state was either to close to the civil war or proclaimed into a state after the civil war, e.g. Kansas. I suggest that never again shall a public servant be allowed to have a vote on anything, this includes the regulation of commerce.

The only lawful, not legal, way to correct this problem and take back America is: (1) with another conquering army and then instituting their own government or (2) the de facto federal government withdraws its troops from state property or (3) the abandoning of the conquered territory by the conquering army and then the inhabitants institute their own government, constitutions, and laws or (4) maybe the people in the states could declare themselves to be in the same character as the inhabitants who created and erected the original constitutions and erect a lawful government again. I have found some discrepancies in some of the original constitutions of the states so some sections may have to be taken out. As this is one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all and so this never happens again, a recommendation that the bloodlines of these traitors have to answer for these traitors’ crimes as this is the judgment of Our Creator for the crime as stated in the old testament.

XIV Amendment.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Constitution of the United States of America.

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;...

Emancipation proclamation. An executive proclamation, issued January 1, 1863, by Abraham Lincoln, declaring that all persons held in slavery in certain designated states and districts were and should remain free.

On February 6, 1861, a majority of the representatives of the southern states walked out without setting a date to reconvene. From this date, an unlawful government was created and erected operating under Roman Civil (private) law. This action by the representatives of the southern states gave alleged President, Abraham Lincoln the opportunity to declare himself king, under a self assumed power, by issuing the first executive order without a war being declared. There were more reasons for the Civil War than just the alleged freeing of the slaves. The alleged freeing of the slaves is just the cover on a book.

In lawful sense, the blacks and other people that were slaves are not really free as lead to believe. (1) Abraham Lincoln had no authority to impose his will on the sovereign states and dictate to the people of that state, state statutory law, (2) The people that owned the slaves were never compensated for their property being taken away from them, (3) by Abraham Lincoln declaring by executive order the alleged freeing of the slaves, these people then became XIV Amendment citizens. This only transferred the ownership of the slaves from the people of the sovereign state, to ownership by the United States government and creating a taxable entity under an excise tax.

The only people that could and do have access to their unalienable rights or natural rights are the free white males who are also citizens of the United States or a white male declaring his slave that the slave bought his freedom. This is not a XIV Amendment citizen.

Alleged Bill of Rights.

Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th edition.

Bill. As a legal term, this word has many meanings and applications, the most important of which are set forth below:

Bill of Rights. A formal and emphatic legislative assertion and declaration of popular rights and liberties usually promulgated upon a change of government; e.g. the famous Bill of Rights of 1688 in English history. Also the summary of the rights and liberties of the people, or of the principles of constitutional law deemed essential and fundamental, contained in many of the American state constitutions. That portion of Constitution guaranteeing rights and privileges to the individual; i.e. first ten Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.

Legislation. The draft of a proposed law from the time of its introduction in a legislative body through all the various stages in both houses. Once introduced, a federal bill may be considered in any session of a Congress, but it dies at the end of a session, and it must be reintroduced as a new bill if a succeeding Congress is to consider it. The form of a proposed law before it is enacted into law by vote of a legislative body. An "Act" is the appropriate term for it after it has been acted on by, and passed by, the legislature. See also Marking up; Omnibus bill.

It is apparent that not many people know exactly what a "bill" of legislation is. A bill is an idea on paper to maybe become a statutory law. The bill needs to be voted on and passed by the legislature to become a statutory law.

It is apparent that not very many people study the history of this nation before the civil war or before the date of February 6, 1861. If you look at all of the state constitutions before 1850 you will find that the people have stated their rights in a "Declaration of Rights" and not a "Bill of Rights."

Before February 6, 1861, the people were in power in a Republic form of government and after that date the President has, by a self assumed power, declared himself above the people and has declared this nation to be a democracy. Now the people only have the rights dictated to them by the legislature known as a "Bill of Rights." (Civil Rights Act 1964), (Roman Civil (private) law).

A "Declaration of Rights" are only in the state constitutions. As for the alleged "Bill of Rights" in the Constitution of the United States of America, this is a fiction as the alleged first ten Amendments of the Constitution of the United States of America are only a security for the people against an oppressive government. There should not be a "Bill of Rights" in any of the state constitutions or the constitution of the United States of America.

I use the word "alleged first ten amendments" because I have three different versions of the first fourteen Amendments of the Constitution of the United States of America. Last time I checked the Amendments were only written once and added to the constitution of the United States of America.

For you people that read this and don’t care or do anything about this problem, just remember, if you have any children, what kind of country or world will there be when they grow up, when all there is is a police state, admiralty, maritime or some foreign jurisdiction, and a government that writes its own laws to protect itself from the people for whom they are allegedly supposed to serve. At this point in time they use threats, duress, coercion, fraud, deceit, lying, cheating, stealing and demanding that you pay them or you will go to jail.

This used to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, now it is the land of the oppressed and home of the chicken shits, traitors, thieves, liars, and cowards. For you people that do nothing about this problem I hope that you do not benefit from what we the brave and free do who have with the protection of the Divine Providence have pledged our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to correct this injustice by our unjust justice system. Our alleged public servants have lied, cheated, and stolen; our gold, our silver, our copper, the fruits of our labor, our privacy, our pursuit of happiness, our unalienable rights or natural rights, our unwritten laws, our system of law, etc., get the picture. "Our" is referring to the people and not the alleged servants. I shall live in fear of no man nor shall I bow down to a public servant or alleged public servant.

As for you alleged public servants who chose to collect a paycheck and continue on the path of extortion and treason, then you to shall have to pay the price for the choices you make. If your sorry excuse is that "I am only one person and that I can do nothing," you, by your sacred honor are required to faithfully demean yourself and uphold your oath of office and your contract with the people under any and all circumstances and against any and all odds. If you think that you are going to keep your assets, and/or your liberty, think again!

There shall be Declarations in trespass, covenant, extortion, espionage, terrorist activity, and/or treason filed against all public servants! I know that some of these declarations don’t exist as of yet, but they will. These declarations shall be within the laws of the organic constitutions of each of the states and of the laws of the United States of America prior to February 6, 1861. All suits at common law shall be within the rules of the common law as provided for in the state statute that declares "common law is in force" and by Amendment VII of the de jure constitution of the United States. Not everyone in the United States of America is stupid or shall tollerate your usurped powers and actions. We the people, come for you, the peoples’ enslavers.

This document and information contained herein is from research, knowledge, and my interpretation from the information gathered. And is as accurate as the documents, history or other sources of information that I have collected or received, from constitutions, books or the comments from the people who wrote the books, essays, pamphlets, etc.

I am not a writer so if there is part of this document that you people or idiots don’t understand, understand this, I don’t care. WAKE UP AND DO SOMETHING IF YOU CALL YOURSELF AN AMERICAN IN THE LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE!

There shall be more essays or documents written if you want more. I claim this as my private property and may be distributed freely, but there shall be no charge for this document other than manufacturing costs!

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